Now that my Red Eagles, batter and bruised by a vicious and malicious Hoplite squad, are on the brink of elimination I am comfortable starting the 20 resim process. The resims are 100% complete and I am in the midst of compiling the data.
I thought I would spend a minute explaining the reporting categories we'll use this season.
The upper section identifies the team and owner, along with two important categories:
- Activity Level - Gives us a sense of how active each owner was. On average, owners submitted 8.6 lineups during the regular season. This field will tell us how much above or below average the owner was.
- Raw Park OPS - Created by Justin B last year, this take all the raw park factors and compiles an "expected OPS" for an average team. This simply helps us see how much of a batter's or pitcher's park the team played in.
The Win/Loss section summarizes the records of each team across the 20 resims:
- Actual - Wins in the regular season
- Resim Min, Average, Max - hopefully self explanatory
- OD Resim Average - In addition to the normal 20 resims, this year I ran additional resims to help better gauge the win possibilities for each team. OD stands for Opening Day, and is simply a batch of 20 resims using each team's opening day lineup. It is meant to measure the results of the team had they made no Free Agent Moves or Trades in the regular season. Basically, it measures draft success only.
- Bal Resim Average - Another batch of 20 resims, this one measures results in neutral parks and a balanced schedule. It is always interesting to see what would have happened if there were an even number of games between all teams.
Batting and Pitching is self explanatory, but Playoffs may warrant an explanation. It reports the # of times each team won a Wild Card birth or Division title, and sums it up in the Playoff Odds, or rather, the percentage of times each team made the playoffs. For purposes of reporting, if two teams tied for a playoff birth, the team with the better Run Differential received credit. One game playoffs and post-seasons were not run.
Hopefully you are looking forward to the results as much as I am. I'll start posting the team write-ups in descending order this weekend.