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Thursday, 5 September 2013

Owner Appreciation Tournament

In the lull days between ATB seasons I was jonesing for some Diamond Mind Baseball.  After much thought I decided the best way scratch this baseball itch was with a tournament, one that put the spotlight on as many owners as possible.

I haven't tried this before, but I propose that every owner who's ever managed 2 or more ATB teams is eligible, as well as all participating owners from last season, even if it was their rookie campaign.  And wouldn't you know it, this works out to be a perfect 32 teams, which fits into a basic tournament bracket quite well.

This is purely for fun and requires no owner involvement, I have all the data required from past seasons.  However, if you have a desire to be hands-on and submit lineups, I have no objections.  If you aren't interested at all, no action is needed, you won't be hearing from my directly after this email.

All the data and results will be posted to the blog (in my signature), check there for updates. 

I will soon be posting the seeds and formal bracket.  The methodology for seeding will be a formula that takes into consideration Runs Scored, Runs Allowed, and Wins.

Hope you enjoy!

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